Monday, November 7, 2011


November 5, 2011  Dateline: Bobby’s Fish Camp, AL USA
This is the tale of two marinas.  The other night I stayed at Pirate’s Marina Cove. Its office was quite a sight as was the marina itself.  The people there were trying very hard but were having a difficult time.  Our stay was fine but the marina is definitely not what we are accustomed to.

Tonight I stayed at Bobby’s Fish Camp, which is located about 120 miles north of Mobile Bay.  The dock is small and only about 150 feet long. There were 350 feet of boats—a problem?  No not if you raft the boats three deep.  I was rafted to MY WAY who was rafted to KA-DEE-ANNA.  Rich said it is going to be fun tomorrow morning when we try to take it all apart.  At about 9 PM a 57 foot Carver came along side of me and wanted to raft off me.  Rich told him no as KA-DEE-ANNA, the smallest boat, was tied to the dock.  This was exactly the way it should not have been done.  The smallest boat should be on the outside with the biggest boat holding everything to the dock.  Good job Rich!!!!! 
At the Fish Camp, there was this bottle tree planted outside the restaurant. Wine bottles were put on sticks then inserted into the “trunk”, it sure was neat looking.

In an earlier posting, I wrote about LOLLYGAG, a small homemade boat that is doing the Loop.  Here is a picture of her under way as we passed.

Along the way today and yesterday the cliffs alongside of the river were sheer white and came down to the water.  They are different from anything I had seen before.  The opposite side of the river was low and flat and looked like normal soil.  I guess an earthquake at some point pushed the white rocks up.

Rich and Carol are getting really good at doing locks.  They have done 100 so far—that is the good news.  The bad news is that there is only one more to go and then I will be back at sea level and there will be salt water and tides. 
I have to get up early tomorrow as I have a 132 mile run to make to Mobile, the good news is that I will pass though the final lock.   
Remember all pictures can be made larger by left clicking on them

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