July 18, 2011 Dateline Lakefield, Ontario Canada
Peterborough is a big city, some 60-70,000 people. Rich wondered what gave rise to the city. He was told that Thomas Edison built a dam there to generate electricity and the dam brought General Electric, who had a large facility there. Quaker Oats also built a processing plant there as well.
Last night I survived a really strong thunder storm. The sky opened up with lighting, thunder, rain and wind. The wind was so strong that my radar antenna was turned and my flag stood out straight. I lost electricity as the storm took out the dock power.
I overheard Rich and Carol debating whether to leave Peterborough today or stay for another day. The captain of Muddy Waters told Rich that Crawdad had called back and said the lift lock was closing for repair and I should get on my way. So off we went, with only 11 miles to go for the day there were 7 locks to pass through. Carol worked very hard all day today, catching the vertical cables in the locks and holding me in position. In the Canadian locks Rich has to turn off my engines and restart them when the water level is at the top. Rich runs up to the helm and Carol holds me in position. Great job Carol!!!! We have now done 26 of the 44 locks on the Trent Severn Canal System. That means I’ve done 56 locks so far and each one is different, so each is a new experience. In 18 more locks I will be back in open water at least for a while.
When I got to Lakefield Watermark was already there. Rich & Carol went out to dinner with her owners while I sat and got rained on again.
Carol took several pictures of the Peterborough lift lock as I went up so here is the series. After I was lifted up 65 feet and looked out the back it was a weird view, water and then nothing but air.
Great angle of the lift lock!!